Hello, and welcome to my blog!

This blog is going to be a place where I share my work throughout my time spent at college, and afterwards. Please feel free to request pieces for me to try my hand at writing and to give me feedback as I go, as this is meant to be a learning experience for me. Other... Continue Reading →

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Leicestershire Police’s Knife Amnesty Week begins — Leicestershire Press

People are being urged to safely dispose of any potentially harmful knives by handing them over to city officials following the launch yesterday (Mon Feb 12) of an amnesty week by Leicestershire Police. via Leicestershire Police’s Knife Amnesty Week begins — Leicestershire Press

Video: Stonegate’s student takeover continues to sweep Leicester

Leicestershire Press

By Chanell Wallace, Ollie Gibbs, Perry Johnson, Callum Faulds and Bethany Spence

The UK’s largest private pub company is steadily making its mark on Leicester’s night scene, and you probably don’t even know who they are.

With Slug and Lettuce, Yates, Common Room and a variety of free houses throughout the nation under their belt, the chances are you’ve drunk in a Stonegate pub.

Now here in Leicester, the Walkabout bar is back from a two-year hiatus.

Set up in Belvoir Street, the company has removed its former Yates site in favour of Walkabout, which hosts it’s VIP launch party this Friday (DEC8).

Image 1 The Walkabout bar in Leicester targets students with its urban interior

The site’s general manager Anna Winterton hopes to “push more towards the student clientele” in this branding transition.

However, there is a question on how this move will have an impact on the street’s antisocial behavioural…

View original post 169 more words

Upbeat Upheaval

To shake off my frankly pathetic romantic blues, I'm resorting to my favourite kind of therapy: Music. This is my list of "Top 20 Songs Most Likely to Make Me Dance Up My Hill", and yes, I do dance up my hill. One day I'm sure there will be video proof. Sax - Fleur East... Continue Reading →

Captain America: Civil War

The most important film of this year graced our screens on the 29th of April, beating box office records left, right and center – including those for DC’s recent superhero combo film Batman VS Superman. That’s right, I’m talking about Marvel’s Captain America: Civil War. This film is the perfect beginning of the end for... Continue Reading →

Batman VS Superman: Dawn of Justice

2016: The most exciting year for superhero fans everywhere, with the beginning of the end of Marvel’s Phase 2 kicking off with Deadpool and the start of the origin stories for DC’s Justice League, with Batman VS Superman The superhero film year started off with Marvel’s biggest, baddest antihero; Deadpool, the merc with a mouth.... Continue Reading →


I volunteer for East Sussex Reptile and Amphibian Society (E.S.R.A.S) in my spare time, as both a show hand, committee member and their main newsletter editor, helped out by the lovely Mick Taylor. It's honestly one of the best experiences of my entire life, because I can help raise money for beautiful animals and help... Continue Reading →


I'm planning a new section of this blog, called "Why I Hate". Each one will focus on why I hate certain things, peoples, groups, genres and pretty much anything else I dislike. Please be aware this is just supposed to be a humorous piece, but will contain my own opinions. If you don't agree with... Continue Reading →

Perfect Peaceful Soundtrack

I've been searching for the perfect soundtrack for the background that will make me feel calm and add some ambiance, so after months of trawling through Youtube (Oh, the hardship!) and Soundcloud and just about every video game that I love, I've come up with this so far. Kids Will Be Skeletons by Mogwai -... Continue Reading →


Hello everybody, my name is Bethany and I have totally stolen Markiplier's intro here. As you can see, I've finally got my butt into gear and I'm writing again. I'm going to upload some of my old work, some articles I've done in newsletters that I handmade for East Sussex Reptile and Amphibian Society (E.S.R.A.S)... Continue Reading →

Derren Brown: Miracle

WARNING: At the request of Derren himself, no journalist or reviewer is permitted to reveal any of the tricks performed during the show. However, this review does make reference to evangelical faith healing and other such things, due to the show theme. In 2011, Brown released a show on Channel 4 called ‘Miracles for Sale’... Continue Reading →

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